Episode Three | Patch Notes
Hi everyone!
After carefully reviewing all of your comments and thoughts, as well as receiving minor bugs from you, we have decided to create a considerably large patch for Episode 3. Please read all updates below and be sure to give us your thoughts on it, as we hope this will make for a better playing experience for all!
Andromeda Six Patch Notes 3.1
- minor sprite fixes
- options added to skip individual character backstories
- minor dialogue changes
- option to change who your Traveler works for (final choice in the episode, between talking to Cal or Damon)
- Vexx added to main menu background
- music box re-added to gallery menu screen
Please note that this patch requires you to replay through Episode 3 to avoid crashes and bugs when you get to Episode 4, so please be sure to download it again and replay it at least once (Skip works wonders to skip dialogue if you don't want to read through it all again!).
We feel it's important to address that we read all comments you all make, even if we unfortunately can no longer manage to answer to them all due to the sheer volume (which we are truly happy about), and we understand how frustrating it might seem to have limited choices.
However, please understand that while Traveler is going through a lot at this point in time, as well as having been raised to be a demure noble in a way, they have just started on their journey to grow into who they truly are and to take matters at hand as to how and what they'll do from now on!
Up to Episode 3 we have tried to convey as much groundwork as possible, giving backgrounds to the LIs and setting a base for the upcoming plot. From Episode 4 on, we will truly dive into the intrigues surrounding the coup and the situation in Seleota, with Traveler finally able to spread their wings, shape their personality, build lasting bonds with the people they have and will meet, and decide - on their own - what they want to do with their future, and whichever that will be is fully up to you!
We would like to ask you all to please trust us on this journey, and stick with us as we, together, work to build a bright new future for Seleota!
Episode 4 is already on its way, we are working solely on it to try and have it available ASAP, as we believe a lot of your questions and troubles with Episode 3 will be answered on it.
Once again, thank you all very much for sticking with us, and for all feedback given. We truly appreciate your support and hope we can keep providing you with a healthy dose of entertainment with our game for all episodes yet to come, and hopefully even more!
Best wishes and stay safe,
A6 Development Team
Get Andromeda Six
Andromeda Six
A sci-fi themed Visual Novel game.
Status | In development |
Author | Wanderlust Games |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | Amare, Cyberpunk, Dating Sim, Meaningful Choices, Romance, Sci-fi, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
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Ok. Got to finally play the new patched Ch3. First thought, I like that now getting a character's backstory requires an active effort on the MC's part. This small change makes a major difference, as now it feels less like everyone's forcing their past on you all of a sudden...and more like now they are offering...and you're choosing to accept out of a desire to learn more about them. It makes it feel far less forced and
more...mutual. Thank you.
Also, I like that I can attempt to give Damon the cold shoulder in his dialogue. But after replaying without skipping, I find he's still contradicting himself a little if you've been romancing him.
Mind you, its just a small nitpicky thing. I felt that the small changes in choice and dialogue with this patch did make everything story and character wise flow a bit more smoothly. But there are two parts of Damon's dialogue that felt a little at odds, stemming from two different chapters (2 & 3), though the rest is much better! And again, it could be simply that Damon really just is that contradicting and self-sabotaging...
--------continue reading for Damon introspective and dialogue conflict/misunderstanding/reading to much into things on my part xD????
Ok so, in ch2, if romancing, he says after saving you from sleazy bar guy..."But for what it's worth, if I didn't let Cal kick you off the ship, why would I let anything happen to you now?"
Then in Ch3, he says "Having you around's been...fun and all, but at the end of the day we are the ones with a big ass bounty on our heads, and I don't like having to work even harder to make sure these idiots stay alive. Or you for that matter."
The intentions behind both these statements feel contradictory. By not letting Cal kick you off the ship, Damon claims he's accepted the responsibility and has your back. He's clearly trying to win some points in goodwill with you in the bar.
Then in Ch3, he's suddenly saying that the bounty on A6 and the added responsibility of you are suddenly an issue, though he and the game claims nothing
with him has really changed since your true identity is revealed?
So wait...do you care about an extra person to protect or not, Damon? If you really mean or believe in your ch3 logic...then why DID you bother with convincing Cal in Ch1 to keep MC on the ship? You had even less interaction and bonding with MC at that time then you do now in Ch3? They were even more of a stranger.
It would make more sense if Damon was with Cal from the start about tossing MC out, rather then against it so early on but now suddenly claiming it is an issue. And again, that's why it makes sense from a non-romance perspective where the talk at the bar never happens. But if you are romancing Damon, this becomes a situation of Damon shooting himself in the foot. Its, again, two steps forward and then a giant leap back character wise.
Now if it was because of the fact that you are, in fact, the last true legit heir and thus Zovak will be even more obsessed with A6 should your existance on the ship be discovered...that would make sense. But Damon implies that your past as a prince hasn't changed any of his feelings about the situation.
Also, he claims he isn't going to apologize for selling you out........but then he seems rather determined not to let you walk away from him without getting his say on the matter. So no, still demanding an eventual apology here, Damon.
*sigh* What in the world are you thinking, Damon? *grabs his head and shakes it violently* Let me in that darn skull of yours!
(Sorry. He's just my fave character, so I really end up going to deep into trying to understand how his brain works. xD)
Also, Devs, please don't take anything I say as mean or intentionally negative. I know very well how hard it is to write characters that feel real, specially complicated ones like Damon. And unlike you guys, I don't have his full character sheet or understanding of the character Damon is meant to be. xD
I'm just left with each small bits of scrap I get every new episode to try and get the clear picture. =P
I actually love how you'd written all the characters. They have so much depth and that's what makes it so fun and frustrating trying to figure them out.
Damon's prob my fave character, too, but I do think you might be reading into him a bit incorrectly... I don't think the Chapter 2 and 3 motivations contradict because even though Damon doesn't judge the MC for who they are (which meshes with his Ch. 2 attitude), he doesn't care for the MC more than he does the gigantic potential reward of turning them in. By this point, hasn't it only been a few days or weeks? It's Damon who states that turning the MC in would be enough to clear literally everyone on board's bounties, so... I actually think that fits very well with his tendency to have certain people's backs. We just aren't priority, quite yet.
And as for him not apologizing but then wanting to explain himself (? unfamiliar 'cause i haven't played the patched update yet), I still think that makes sense: Cal rejected the idea and Damon has no intention of making him reverse that decision. Everyone has to be on the same ship together and in some cases (*ahem* my MC's), Damon still might have to be your mentor. He def comes off to me as the type of person to want to air everything out at once, regardless of tact or timing, especially since I imagine 1) the others might give him crap for voicing that idea in the first place and 2) the MC is likely to get involved in more high stakes situation just by virtue of being on the ship, so Damon wouldn't want any unsaid bullshit to interfere with his ability to keep the others (and yea, prob even the MC) safe.
lol i am also the type of reader/player who deeply reads into interesting characters and Damon's captured my interest quite a lot. I enjoyed reading what you had to say about him, though. I think it'd be fair for the MC themself to be confused by these somewhat contradicting attitudes, though!
Haha...glad to meet a fellow Damon fan and also a fan of overthinking characters they like. xD
I get Damon's logic about turning the MC in. Though if Cal is deadset on stopping Zovak, even erasing their bounty won't help for very long.
For me, its a matter of things from the romance perspective. If you follow Damon's character without flirting, everything he says and does has made perfect sense to his character type. But if you go through with the flirt options and dialogue that comes from those, it is a little weird that back at the bar Damon was boasting that he wouldn't let anything happen to you....then fifteen minutes later he's like, "nah, hand em to Zovak". That's the only thing I felt seemed off.
Course, this is what happens when you have the story-line plotting along and small dialogue differences if a character flirts. So far, there's no legit separate character routes...so dialogue conflicts can pop up like that.
Damon not apologizing and wanting to explain himself feels right to me (at least at this point in the story). I just wondered if there was a meta-reason for that particular piece of dialogue being added, as a lot of us were originally angry (some very much more then others) about Damon's actions and discussing over whether Damon should apologize or not. I can definitely think of a few fans that will just now get even angrier and completely write off Damon's character. And that makes me a bit sad.
I definitely agree though that Damon is a no bs, all cards on the table sort. Again, that's just why I find it odd through romantic dialogue, he states that he talked Cal out of kicking us out and wasn't about to let anything happen to us at this point. Then minutes later, does the complete opposite. Doesn't seem like Damon, who usually just bluntly says what he feels or means. In fact, it would make more sense had Damon simply stated back in the bar 'hey, I talked Cal into letting you stay. Better learn to take care of yourself'. Not..."I won't let anything happen to you."
I don't know. Probably a no win situation at this point regardless. That's what I meant by Damon being a pain. So self-sabotaging. xP
ahhh, i get your points far clearer now. I don't really engage in fan communities for many things anymore, maybe if I'd had an impression of the reaction to him so far I would have gotten that before. yeah, you are right about that particular dialogue being a contradiction. In fact, it kind of makes the romance seem railroaded a bit, huh. It would def make more sense if he hadn't said that back in the bar, good point.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to get at. Sometimes its just hard to put things into words. =P
Agreed with all that. Its why I do love his character so much. Its very interesting, and I look forward, despite any complaints, to continuing down this road to see how he evolves as a character. Yes, I don't want them to water him down to much, but he does have to grow a little at least to end up a feasible romance path at the end. Unless his is a pure tragedy path...then I might have to hit an escape pod. I need fluff at the end of my stories, not further depression. ^^'
Maybe he really does deep down want something real, and was just getting swept up at the bar. Maybe the panic and fighting response really got to him at the hangar. That's why he won't just let you walk away. He is known for having crappy social skills, despite his charm. Who knows. Like I said, maybe he really just is that complicated and self-sabotaging. xD
Its why I had to share my viewpoint. I was hoping for comments like yours and yewyn to help broaden my thoughts and narrow things down. More heads are better then one. =)
Yes. This. But the devs have stated that as we get further into the story, we can start molding our mc more as a person beyond the demure royal type, along with more decision making. So I'm excited and anxious to see how this goes. I play a prince, and I want my boy to start growing some claws. >83
Thank you! It feels great being listened to. I appreciate your effort in listening to the players' feedback and actually changing things! It's totally normal that you cannot reply to everyone as the game becomes more popular, we all understand I believe. Don't worry about that.
I'm curious about whether A6 is Wanderlust's first game, though. If it is, just letting you all know that you're doing great and that you will only get better in future projects after this experience. Already ahead of many "professional" (not trying to be sarcastic, just to know I consider you professional too, but you get my meaning) devs. Actually listening to players' feedback and improving the game! Woah! That's waaay more uncommon than you'd think.
So congrats, team :)
Firstly: Thank you SO MUCH for your Hard Work and Dedication! Especially when listening to your fanbase! <3 But what I respect More is that, while changes were implemented, you're all sticking with your decisions as they'll be expounded upon in further episodes. I think any '3' is hard when you have mulitple chapters, episodes, books etc. of something; it's one of those weird in-between stages that usually Needs to set things up for future happenings and, because of that, tends to risk feeling too much like an info dump.
Like others, I didn't have a problem with Episode 3 - I found it fairly well balanced between what we needed to know and how the Traveler dealt with it. Sure, there could have been More exposition on the MC's world falling apart, but that prevents progression and it can also be linked to pure - Shock. When you don't know how to handle things, Emotionally, that are too big for you, sometimes it's Best to just keep moving until you *CAN*. I thought adding qualifiers (like making a Traveler more Emotional for ex.) was a nice touch to meet those concerns. I certainly felt a more emotional MC vs. a Determined one had more 'Oh Gosh...I'm so Overwhelmed' moments.
I think what people mostly wanted (specifically those who went for June, for example) was the ability to have MC react accordingly and Most noticeably to their LI's views. Say, a Determined Traveler who was able to keep their cool through all the other crew's opinions/stories, but fell apart during (using the same example) June's. Because it Hurt deeper. While I find the choice to skip certain backstories nice for those who found it repetitive, I personally thought it was each crew member's way of showing a kind of empathy toward MC. Traveler (forcefully) regains some memories of who they were and might not know how to deal. So crew (who's clearly starting to accept them) gives their own stories to show they're not alone. That it can be Reciprocal.
What I'm hoping for more than anything, is to see in future episodes how Past MC and Present MC will be consolidated. Just an episode ago, they had No Idea who they were, none of this Mattered to them -- is it really that easy to disassociate with who they were becoming past-free? It seems you're all are eager to tackle that, so I'm excited to see that progression! Again, Thanks and looking forward to 4!
I enjoyed chapter 3 immensely. Didn't have any problems or feel boxed in by dialogue. DID guess my identity really quickly tho, which may have influenced the kind of choices I was looking for. On second thought, that'snot quite true. I did have to forgive a certain crew members suggestion that I didn't want to forgive.... Really looking forward to chapter 4. :)
Its certainly a good thing that there is so much discussion after Ch3 release. It shows how invested and passionate we are about the characters and world you have created. So I hope you haven't felt to disheartened by anything we say or argue. Honestly, from what I know of the characters so far, you did pretty good.
I'm also glad to hear that our MC will be able to grow and evolve as the story continues. I play a prince, and I definitely feel like deep under that reserved face is a fighter waiting to be born.