Episode 5 Release Date

Hi everyone! We're pleased to announce that we are finally able to reveal the release date for Episode 5...

Saturday, 27th February

We'll be working hard to have everything wrapped up for release, and we'll also be sharing sneak peeks over on our Patreon as we get closer and closer to the day.

Thank you for all your patience with us, the wait is almost over!!

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Fell asleep playing A3! so I woke up to it and fanboyed <3


It was so great *sobs*. Rly good chapter, the end was a bit confusing. I'm sure I'll get what happened in the future tho. Thank you for the update ❤️

(4 edits) (+2)

Very excited to play the new chapter, but I'm hitting a wall. I've hidden it below.

It also appears the very first CG doesn't appear. A black screen appears and it says the file isn't found in the upper left corner.

Not sure if this is just me, so can anyone confirm they're having the same issue? Thanks in advance!


  When I try both options to bet on either Vexx or Ayame (while training with Ayame and Damon), I get an error message saying "An exception has occurred."

(1 edit) (+2)

you can tap on "ignore" and it goes away (when it says about the "exception"). You can play after (at least it worked for me)


Thank you! That worked for me.

(1 edit) (+2)

happy it worked ^^

(1 edit) (+2)

There is also a problem at the end (i only saw it on Ryona's rute, i only played hers and Damon's for now), where it says again, how you said about the "picture not found". You can see the pic if you go to gallery, tho.


Thank you very much, you worked hard! We will enjoy it maximally, won't we?


yes we will ;)))


thank you developers!! im going to download it first thing in the morning when i wake up hahaha cant wait!!


Thanks devs for your hard work S2, and let' go crew... IT'S TIME TO SIIIIIN


It was fun waiting with yall, hope everyone enjoys the new chapter, and thanks to the devs for working so hard!!


It really was fun waiting together tbh. People from here are very nice. Enjoy the chapter ^^


Good game everyone *^* (Vexx i am coming pretty boy)

Yeeeeees! Thank you so much!!



Exactly xD got my chips and brownies ready just waiting for the download to be over!! Enjoy, everyone!!

Sadly i finished all the snacks but I'm not complaining xD





Deleted 4 years ago

Lol, hope the devs are also eating well (I feel like they didn't sleep).


Everyone is eating so that is good, but don't forget to drink your water, my lovelies. Stay hydrated, do some stretches and have a nice day S2


I'm ordering sushi ☆w☆

give me some *^*

Imma order extra; I got chu


ughhhh i want some to


Looks like I'm ordering a platter



I like how everyone started eating in the comments. Have a good meal y'all xD

Deleted 4 years ago

sounds tasty lol


cookies good idea with milk or warm tea 




Great I'll bring some snacks


There's still time, so I'll go buy some snacks rly quick and then back to harass my F5)


i bought my snacks yesterday and already ate half of them as i was waiting ;w;


xD i finished all the seeds :(

Haha, I can relate (with cookies). 


Snack time ! Good idea actually, see you in 10 minutes folks xD


Just remember it's sunday here and everything is closed ;-;

*insert the "f*ck, it's a sunday" vine*


Out of curiosity, how many of us are on the discord server?

I am!


I recently put in my application to join. I'd love to be in an active indie-fandom!

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